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Our Curriculum


At Springhill Primary Academy, our creative curriculum aims to motivate, engage and inspire the pupils through a series of learning journeys that we have titled ‘mini-missions’. All of the curriculum areas are then delivered through this adventure. The beginning of each adventure is designed to hook all pupils in and acts as the ‘launch’  to the learning. Pupils are also made aware of what the ‘landing’ for this adventure will be so that they can always put their learning into context across the mini mission.​

The learning journey that the pupils go on, covers many subjects and are captured in one book.  The adventures allow for clear coverage of the National Curriculum.


Teaching and learning is underpinned by cognitive challenge. Teachers use the model of ‘Basic, Advancing, Mastery’ to ensure differentiation is appropriate and does not place a glass ceiling on learning for any pupil.​

A focus for our mini-mission learning is to prepare our pupils to be ‘secondary ready’ by the time they leave Springhill. This is achieved by providing contextualized, purposeful learning that develop ‘life skills’ and focuses on pupils' development in becoming writers, mathematicians, historians and geographers etc.

Springhill ‘Learning Attitudes Values’ of REACH HIGH will be central in encouraging pupils to be responsible for their learning attitudes. Throughout their time in school, pupils are given opportunities to reflect on how their learning attitudes are developing in accordance to the REACH HIGH learning values. Pupils demonstrating these attitudes are recognised and rewarded within the classroom and the whole school celebration assembly. 


At Springhill Academy, teachers ask three questions as they embark on their journey to know that learning is secure and purposeful: What are we learning about? Why are we learning about it? How will we know if we have been successful? Pupils then return back to these questions during the learning sessions to allow them to reflect on their learning.

At Springhill Academy we believe the bridge between teaching and learning is assessment. Therefore, our feedback policy is an integral aspect to the curriculum. The feedback policy ensures that learning is addressed and celebrated through immediate verbal feedback. Feedback is given 'live' to children in lessons where it can have the biggest impact on learning. The feedback given serves to either to consolidate learning or provide further challenge. (Please see the Feedback Policy for further details).


Key Principles of our curriculum:

  • Raises aspirations for all pupils

  • Is purposeful and relevant and ensures that learning is contextualised

  • Inspires and immerses pupils in their learning

  • Underpinned by REACH HIGH values

  • Develops a growth mindset

  • Celebrates the process of learning rather than just the product and ensures that failing is seen as an opportunity for new learning

  • Ensures that they are secondary ready by being heavily based on skills

  • Is memorable and experiential – ensuring that all pupils have opportunities to experiences that will offer enrichment

  • Develops strong relations with the community; the school, local and wider community

  • Promotes SMSC and British Values throughout their learning journeys












For further information on our core curriculum, use the hyperlink below.

Maths                                                 Writing                                           Reading 

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