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Welcome to Year 2

Class Teacher – Miss J Richardson                                                                                                                  









                                             Teaching Assistant – Mrs K Wiles       Supply Teacher (Thursday's) - Miss L Jones


Please use this link to see our yearly overview of learning

Please use this link to see our Spring 1 unit of learning

Please use school office email to contact us about any issues, which can be passed to us via the main school office. 


Key information

  • Book bags, consisting of reading diary and reading books, should be in school every day.

  • Water bottles will be sent home everyday to be washed and refilled. 

  • Please provide a healthy snack (fruit, cereal bar, cheese etc)   


Wednesday and Friday are our PE days.


Homework will be given out on the first Friday of each half term and should be completed by the the end of the half term. Homework consists of a range of projects that children can complete for points. In addition to this, children are expected to have read at home 5 times each week and have this signed by an adult in their diary.


Weekly spellings are given out on paper, new spellings are given out on a Friday and will be tested on the following Wednesday

Spring 1

Unsinkable? The story of Titanic

Synopsis: In our mini-mission, we will write a diary entry as a 1st class passenger on the Titanic. We will use our knowledge from History lessons to write a recount of events. Finally we will write a setting description of the first class quarters. As Historians, we will study a significant historical event, the sinking of the Titanic. We will use a range of sources of information to answer key questions.

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