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Governing Board


Chair of Governors - We currently do not have a Chair of Governors. If you would be interested in this role, or would like more information about it, please contact the school office. 

If you need to get in touch with our Governors please do so through the school office. Contact details: 

Telephone number: 01543 225620

The Local Governing Body

Springhill Academy’s Local Governing Body can comprise a maximum of twelve members, including:

  • the Headteacher of the Academy

  • up to four members appointed by the REAch2 Trust Board

  • at least two elected parents or guardians of a pupil at the Academy

  • up to two elected employees of the Academy, usually comprising one teacher and one non-teaching staff member

  • up to three members co-opted by the Local Governors


All Local Governors serve a four-year term of office (with the exception of the Headteacher, who remains a Local Governor ex officio for as long as he or she is in post). Subject to remaining eligible to be a Local Governor, any Local Governor may be reappointed or re-elected at the end of his or her term.

Current governing body:

Chair of Governors - Martyn Harvey

Headteacher -  Mr Jack Edwards

Staff Governor - Miss Moore (Staff Wellbeing)

Staff Governor - Mr James (Staff Wellbeing)

Parent Governor - Mrs Barratt (Curriculum)

Parent Governor - Mrs Steward (SEND)

Co-opted Governor - Martyn Harvey

Trust Appointed Governor - Alex Heaven

Trust Appointed Governor - Abbey Palmer (Pupil Wellbeing and Safeguarding)


1 x Trust vacancy

1 x Parent vacancy

Governance within REAch2

All our schools share the same governance structure and you can find information about the trust on the REAch2 website at  The Governance page gives details of how the Trust is organised, including the Articles of Association, the Master Funding Agreement and all the documents which relate to how the Trust was founded and how it runs today.  You can also find details of who our trustees are.


Our school, like all the schools in the Trust, has a local governing body (LGB). There is a scheme of delegation, which details how the LGB should work.  The LGB hold meetings during the year in which they help to support the school, its leadership and pupils whilst challenging to make sure that everyone achieves as much progress as they should.


Our school’s LGB is made up of 4 trust-appointed members, who are volunteers, two parents, two staff and the headteacher. They can invite other members of staff in to meetings to discuss current issues.  They have to declare that they are working for the school in an open and honest way and so fill in a declarations of interests form.


The LGB also works alongside a regional board where region-wide issues are discussed. The Regional Board is made up of volunteers, just like an LGB, with head teachers and chairs of governors.  There is also a team of regional officers.  They provide support to the schools in finance, HR, estates and governance.

Springhill Academy falls under the West Midlands Region.

The governance of each Academy is delegated to the relevant Local Governing Body.

More information on governance within REAch2 can be found by following the link : 

Declaration of Business and Personal interests

Governors and trustees have a legal duty to act only in the best interests of their schools. Where a situation arises in which they cannot do this due to a personal interest they have, steps should be taken to identify, prevent and record the conflict. This ensures governors or trustees are acting in the best interests of the school.

Pecuniary interests

Generally, governors should not participate in any discussions in which they or their relatives may directly or indirectly benefit from a pecuniary interest, except where the relevant authority has authorised this i.e. legislation for maintained schools or articles of association for academies. A direct benefit refers to any personal financial benefit and an indirect benefit refers to any financial benefit you may have by virtue of a relationship to someone who stands to gain from a decision of the governing board. Both direct and indirect interests must be declared.

Non-pecuniary interests (Conflicts of loyalty)

There may be a non-pecuniary interest whereby the governor does not stand to gain any benefit but a declaration should still be made. For example, this might be where a governor has a family member working in the school. While the governor might not benefit personally, their judgement could be impaired if something was brought up that would affect the family member.

Register of Pecuniary Interest 2022/23

Register of Pecuniary Interest 2021/22

Register of Pecuniary Interest 2020/21

Register of Pecuniary Interest 2019/20


List of Full Governor Meetings 2020/21

Register of Attendance 2019/20

Pecuniary interest declaration forms for Governors who have left Springhill Academy 

D Raftery Declaration Form

R Barlow Declaration Form

A Gandolfo Declaration Form

I Haigh Declaration Form

J Reed Declaration Form

A Hammond Declaration Form

K Lewis Declaration Form

A How Declaration Form

N Townill Declaration Form

L Bate Declaration Form

S Mills Declaration Form

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