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Holiday Clubs


At Springhill, we are passionate about children being physically active both in and out of school and most importantly having fun playing sport. National Statistics show that children’s fitness levels decrease during school holidays and we are keen to support our children with this during October Half Term by offering our parents two whole days of sport for your child.


We have teamed up with our Curriculum provider (Progressive Sports) to put on 2 days of Sport at where children can experience a wide range of sports from: Football, Nerf Wars, Fencing, Glow in the dark Dodgeball, Frisbee, Archery, Non-Contact Boxing and much more!


The children will require drinks and a packed lunch, as well as suitable clothing for being indoors and outdoors, (especially if the weather is good). All children will receive a certificate, and there will be plenty of prizes to be won for taking part in the Sports and having fun!

Further information will be sent out by letter and children can sign up via the school office.


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