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REAch2 Academy Trust admissions consultation: REAch2 Admissions

All admissions for Reception and school places are handled by Staffordshire County Council.

Please click on the link below for their site:

Applying For School Places:

An application form can be obtained from any of the following sources:

  • Child’s current school (if in Staffordshire) or preferred school

  • Staffordshire’s School Admissions and Transport Service (0300 111 8007)

  • From Staffordshire County Council’s website

  • Please click the following link for an online applicaction form Click here

The application form will enable parents to apply for a school of their preference, and to provide their name and address and the name, address and date of birth of the child and also to include any documentary evidence in support of the application. The application form will also allow the parents to give reasons for the preference. Parents must apply directly to all schools for which they wish to be considered for a place, including any maintained foundation, voluntary aided, trust, academy or any schools outside the County of Staffordshire.

Any Staffordshire school that receives an application directly must ensure that the Local Authority is notified of the application and subsequent outcome.

PDF downloads:

Springhill Academy Admission Policy 2024-2025

Springhill Academy Admission Policy 2023-2024

Springhill Academy Admission Policy 2022-2023

If your child has previously been in care outside of England please complete the following form to provide supplementary information to support your application:

School Information Form

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