Springhill Primary Academy is a one-form entry primary school in Burntwood, providing places for children from Nursery through to Year 6. Our standard admission number is 30 children per year group from Reception through to Y6.
Our 2025/26 Admissions Policy can be viewed at REAch2 Admissions
Nursery admissions
Nursery sessions are as follows:
Morning session: 08.30 - 11.30am (3 hours)
Lunch club: 11.30 -12.20pm (50 minutes)
Afternoon session: 12.20pm - 3.20pm (3 hours)
We can provide both 15 and 30 hour funded places (subject to availability) and we can currently take up to 24 children for the morning sessions and up to 16 children for the afternoon sessions.
Springhill Nursery accepts children from the term following their 3rd birthday. The school manages its own admissions for Nursery places. If you wish to express an interest in the nursery, please complete the online expression of interest form. If you have any questions beforehand, feel free to contact the office who will be happy to help with any queries.
Reception admissions
Children start reception at the beginning of the academic year (September) in which they become five. Each academic year in the autumn term Springhill Primary Academy hold a series of open days to enable prospective parents and children to view the school and get a feeling for what it's like to be part of the Springhill family. We will advertise dates of the Open Days here once they have been set.
All admissions for Reception places are handled by Staffordshire County Council. Applications are made online through Staffordshire County Council from 1st November - 15th January. For more information on admission to primary schools including how to apply please visit the Staffordshire County Council website.
In-year school admissions
Staffordshire County Council has some information on in-year school admissions.
If you wish to apply for a school place during the school year please do get in touch with the school office who will be happy to help. The in-year application form is available through Staffordshire County Council.
If you have completed the LAC in-year application form, you will also need to complete the supplementary information form to support the application.