Understanding Assessment Without Levels
A Guide For Parents
Assessment Without Levels
In 2014 there was a big change in the national curriculum with the ‘new’ curriculum having a very different content to the ‘old’ curriculum.
Many of the objectives in the old curriculum shifted to lower year groups due to the demands of the curriculum.
Schools have moved, under government direction, to a system which removes the assessment grades that have been with us for many years. This new assessment system is known as Assessment Without Levels.
The ‘new’ assessment system is now directly linked to year group national curriculum objectives.
What does this mean for you as a parent?
Assessment is ongoing, lesson by lesson/week by week, but we collect assessment data formally three times a year prior to Parent Meetings so that we can update you on the progress your child has made.
We have grouped the year group targets into 'milestones' from the National Curriculum. The children will be assessed against these milestones during the year. At Parent Meetings your child’s class teacher will be able to report to you as to how they are progressing within the ‘age related expectations’.
We will use the same terminology for every year group from Y1 up to Y6.
Click on the PDF document below for a copy of the Parent Information Leaflet - Understanding Your Child's Report - A Guide For Parents