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Year 3 

Class Teacher – Mrs Tuttle







Please use this link to see our yearly overview of learning

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Year 3 

PE Days Tuesday & Wednesday! 

Full PE kit needed in school 

Music lessons Thursday

Homework due Wednesdays 

Reading x 5 weekly and reading diaries returned 

Get to Know Us

A warm welcome to Year 3!

The first year of KS2 and an exciting learning adventure ahead. 

A strong emphasis on basic skills and becoming a more independent learner, Year 3 is a time to flourish. 

Hikers in Mountainous Landscape

Biome in a box 

This term we are learning all about biomes. We are busy finding out about the terrain, the landscape, climates and where they are in the world. 


As artists we are creating biome collages using our layering skills

As writers we are writing newspapers reporting about our newly found biomes

As geographers we are studying maps and the typography of land 

As readers we are reading different news accounts and non-fiction about biomes 

Reading at home

Our current class reading book 

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Find out what other books we recommend reading in Year 3! How many can you read? 

How you can help at home


Playing TTRS daily embeds multiplication and division facts 

Can you top our leader board? 

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