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     Welcome to Year 6 



Class Teacher – Mr James










Teaching Assistant – Mrs Wiles & Mrs Cook

Please use this link to see our yearly overview of learning

Please use this link to see our Autumn 1 Home/ School Overview

Please use school  office email to contact us about any  issues, which can be passed to us via the main school office. 


Key information

  • Diaries and reading books should be in school every day.

  • Water bottles will be sent home everyday to be washed and refilled. 

  • Please provide a healthy snack (fruit, cereal bar, cheese etc)   


Tuesday and Friday are our PE days.


Homework will be given out on a Friday and should be completed by the following Wednesday. Homework consists of English and maths activities. Homework should be completed on on SATS companion. In addition to this, children are expected to have read at home 3 times each week and have this signed by an adult in their diary.


Weekly spellings are given out on paper, new spellings are given out on a Friday and will be tested on the following Friday. 

Summer 1


Full Steam Ahead!

Synopsis: Children use the stimulus of railways and railway journeys to explore the topography of the UK. They may choose to read The Railway Children to explore classic literary heritage. Using the language and features of this classic text or similar, children create their own narrative, interweaving character, setting and plot. They could also write a recount of a train journey.

Spring 2


Secrets of the Sarcophagus


Synopsis: Children carry out an in-depth study of Ancient Egyptian mummification and the burial ritual. They focus on Howard Carter, the archaeologist, and the discovery of Tutankhamun. They use this understanding to write an explanation text and a first-person account of the discovery. The children will also write a winter poem using figurative language.


In History, children sift and weigh evidence to support/refute historical claims.

In D&T, children create an educational product (sarcophagus) focusing on functionality and aesthetics.


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